They Performed Miracles…
All the Believers…
Met constantly
Shared everything they had
Sold possessions
Shared proceeds
Worshiped every day together
Met for Communion in homes
Shared meals
Had joy and generosity
All the while praising God
Enjoying goodwill of all people
Every day the Lord added to their group those that were being saved.
So of the things they did, sharing is the one most repetitive of the occurrences. As a community, they shared, it is as easy as that. They thought of others first and kept nothing to themselves. But the theme is worship. Sharing is a form of worship, corporate worship in the temple is a form of worship, communion is a form of worship, praising God, and enjoying people. Then after all the sharing and praising the Lord added to their group all that were being saved.
That’s it. They weren’t out evangelizing, or trying to mold to the culture. They weren’t creating appealing services or molding to what was cool. They were just being with God. From the overflow of their worship people were saved. People were drawn towards genuine joy, and that is what they had flowing from them.
I want that flowing from me. I want to stop my “saving expeditions” and be with God. I want to see people saved through my sharing and worshiping. That is what the early church did, right?
so why do you get these weird comments?
I'm pretty sure the early church peeps had dreadlocks. Hallelujah! I'm going to have to do that again.
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