Friday, June 27, 2008

Climbing the Grand Canyon

I feel like I am climbing the Grand Canyon. God just showed me a visual of where I am. I am climbing. I am steadily moving foward, I am making it closer to the completion of a goal... but I am not enjoying anything along the way. I am climbing but with every step looking forward and backward. I see what was so good behind, on the bottom of the canyon. I dream of what good is ahead, of the perfection and relaxation. I recall the beauty that I saw and think upon the beauty I will see. I am so busy thinking of what was and what will be I dont see what is. I cant see the beauty from where I stand. I dont enjoy the journey between past and future. I am so focused on the two that I dont recgonize that there is a present. I rejoice in thinking about what was and I delight in dreaming about the perfection to come. I lose every present moment in the process. I want to enjoy the hike ... and all it has.


Harmony Moore said...

I'm so prone to be like this, too. But strive to appreciate the moment, the beauty, the view. Or else we lose so much. We miss out on so much of what God is teaching, blessing, showing. All of creation shouts forth praise, and every moment and circumstance of our lives are purposed (on purpose) by him SO THAT we can know him. I really appreciated this post, because it's so true, in so many of my own situations. Where'd you get the picture of the Grand Canyon?

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I am feeling this way too.. and at the same time I also want to enjoy every moment.. to see the beauty of where I am now as well. I'm getting there.. and have been for the last three months.. slowly but surely.


Portland, Oregon, United States