Thursday, July 24, 2008

To be a Christian....

What is it to be a Christian?
To Love the Father with our whole being
To make the Kingdom our main concern
To participate in unhindered praise
To present humble servanthood
To be pure of heart

What it is not....
A show
A game
A club
A "good" program
An entertainment act

Christ came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it. We are not stuck doing pointless rituals, we must now live! John 10:10 (my youth pastor, Chris Hinson's favorite verse) says "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I come to bring life and life more abuldantly." So Christ came to bring life, the thief tries to take that away. I think that is exactly what is happening today amoung christians. The thief is trying to steal th very things we have - our christianity. So many are falling for it. Not only are they falling for fals religions, but for scemes to just not live out their own christianity as well. Western Christianity is falling and so many dont even see it. I want to be whole heartedly what he wants me to be - not what this "christianese" world "says."

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Portland, Oregon, United States