Sunday, May 11, 2008

My lil boys

I spent a week with my nephews Solomon and Benjamin. It's been a year since I saw them last... that is a long time for little boys who are now 2 and 3. I try to keep in touch with them, but phone calls only go so far... this past week it was like reconnecting all over again. I seemed to be there most bestest playmate - willing to do or play anything.

It was different for me to be with boys, I am use to my 4 familes of all girls that I babysit, so it was a nice change of scenery. The time I had with them was short, but full of fun.

The first morning I was there Solomon said to me finished the last of his meal...

"Do you know what my favorite part of lunch is? The SALAD, because of the cucombers and dressing."

Harmony laughed and said that was going in my blog... so there it is. Haha.

I learned how sensitive little boys can be. I tried to learn as I am on this journey to discover the innerdwellings of childrens philosophical minds. Benjamin is scared of auto-flushing toilets (because they dont recgonize his weight and flush while he is sitting on them.) Solomon is scared of cars because he has an understanding of death. I like that they have their fears, and knowing that someday they will get over them. But when I bend down the their perspective, I understand completely... I would be scared too. They helped me learn, I think they always will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice blog. I like it!


Portland, Oregon, United States