Sunday, May 11, 2008


Last night I was talking with my best friend Heather Potter about love. Such a deep subject. What is it? When I first hear the word the pages of my bible opening to 1 Corinthians 13 automatically jump into my mind. "Love is patient, love is kind. Love is never jealous or boast for or proud or rude..." But this verst just demonstrates how to love. And what love is not. I think there are so many levels of love.

I grew up with the understanding that we are to love all people as Christ loved all. We are to love beyond judments and differences. I do. I find it very easy to love at a moments notice. At first I thought love is what you do for someone... I would do anything for anyone at a moments notice though, like seriously. That is who I am, that is the mindset that has been poured into me from my parents and my church. I am to love. This kind of love seems so simple, so natural.

There is deeper love. There are those that I love in a different area of my heart, those that I would without question I would take a bullet for. This kind of love draws me closer to the love that the father wants. This love can not be extended to every person, we dont have enough strength to give it to all. God blesses us with some to love deeper.

Then there is the love between a man and woman, a husband a wife. This kind of love is the closest love that a person can experience outside of that with the father. This love prepares us for a deeper relationship with the father. It is reserved and secret and strong.

But above all loves, is the love I have for my father, the one who created the world in which I live. With him is a love so deep that not even the most outrageous rebelious act could seperate us from it. He is love and in return gives it and receives it.

When I say "I love you" I mean it... but I think that depending on the relationship those words can be stronger. To a total stranger, a homeless person... I love them, they may be surprised, but I love them. And when I am alone in my room and I tell my maker I love him... It is the same love... but deeper, more intimate. Loving that homeless person is loving him.


Harmony Moore said...

Heather, it did me a lot of good to read all your words this morning. I was having a bummer of a morning and these breathed life to my soul. Thanks for the words about me, and about the boys. Helps me to look at them with fresh eyes-- =)

I love you.

Anonymous said...

wala pulos imo blog.


Portland, Oregon, United States