Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Jonathan was at College Group tonight, he is there about once a month. I spent the early years at peoples church with him in my sunday school class, I think my mom watched his sister. he was always weird. and now he is tall, and kinda stinky.

He came to Dennys tonight, he likes to come to Dennys. I think he likes feeling included. We like having people along! He told me that his mom kicked him out of his house cuase they fight too much. " Do you think you do?" " Ya" was his guilty reply.

"So Now I am living downtown. With my friends, you know. We slept under the bridge last night, I didnt sleep very well... We have to get to the Mission before they close... they close too early. Jeff invited me to sleep at his house tonight, but him and his wife go to sleep at 10, we wont be done at Dennys by 10, besides I have to leave when they get up at 6, I hate waking up at 6... I think I will just go back downtown. I might be going to Vancover this week, I might have job, I just need 1200 dollars, then I will go to Australia."

He came to Dennys, nobody new anything, they just thought he was, ya know, Jonathan. They didnt know that my $4.60 was buying him and I both dinner. They didnt know that the back back he had pushed under his feet was all he owned. They didnt know that he stinks becuase he hasnt been able to get to a shower. They didnt know.

I offered to take him to Jeffs, but he decided not too, it was too late. He said he had a friend nearby who would let him in and he opted to walk anyway. He's only like 17. I had never seen him so hopeless. He has gone to Peoples church for as long as I could ever remember, and now he is on the street and he is still making an effort to go, despite the jeering from his street friends. I decided something else. Homelessness is awkward, kinda like death... because it is just not suppose to be. It's one of those things that we want to fix, and cant. I didnt have any cash on me to give Jonathan. I didnt have a place to offer him to stay. I had nothing to give him except the hope of running into him again next week, assuming he can get there. I have no way to contact him... unless I go looking under the bridge.

I also have been keeping my eye out for Ron, he is the homeless guy whose corner is by the gas station on portland road. I saw him once at New Harvest Church. I think I liked the church just becuase there was a homeless guy there, well actually there was two, and another church member was sitting by them. I liked that. It reminded me of the song by Todd Agnew, My Jesus
Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church
The blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet
He was accepted in that church. I see Ron on his corner when ever I go by, and I pray for him. I know his name is Ron cause I gave him my lunch a few weeks ago, and he smiled, and I shook his hand, and we exchanged names.

I like the homeless ministry that Salem Alliance Church does, how they feed them every week. How it is not a job they have to do, but something they love to do. After serving one week, Heather said to me "I like how the people working there know the homeless people by name." I thought that was pretty cool too. They are treated like people. They are people.

Jesus said "Blessed are the poor for they will inherit the earth." I wonder what that means... to inherit the earth. Other translations say "the kingdom of heaven is theirs." I guess it is this humbleness that comes from poverty. Its the vulnerability and rawness that fully encompasses a person who has, of worldly standards, little worth. The kingdom of heaven is ours for the grasping - how much easier for those who have little to see the riches our Father has for them, not all accept... but maybe we should be a little more like Ron, and Jonathan, and the guy feeding the birds.

I guess... I decided I like homeless people. I dont know why, most of them are depressed, and I really dont like depressed people, but... at least they are raw. They have nothing left to hide. Maybe their vulnerability is forced, but they are vulnerable. I like that.

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Portland, Oregon, United States