Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Power of Words

Tonight at work on the the girls said "You look really nice tonight." That made me smile.

Then a few hours later, when it was really busy, an angry man came up to the podium and accused me of dis-honesty and scrutinized my character. He bitterly left, taking his family with him and quite upset that he had to wait longer than I had quoted him.

Later, I was holding the door for a woman moving turtle like with her walker. I commented on how wonderful it was that her husband was getting the car for her. "Oh Yes, my prince charming." I had to smile that she was so much in love. She proceeded to say " Thank you so much for walking me out. You are very sweet. Drive safe home tonight." And I assured her I would.

So, three comments made to me tonight. two of them were compliments, one was critical. What I found interesting as I drove home was how much the negative comment ate at me. I keep role playing the situation over and over in my mind, wondering what I could have done different to not have been wrongly accused. I believe there is nothing I could have done.

It just got me thinking about the power of words. I know I am not a dis-honest person. I know that the first and latter comments are more accurate in describing me. But still, words stick... I need to remember that.

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Portland, Oregon, United States