Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Things

This is for those of you who perhaps do not have Facebook. I wrote a note of 25 random things about me.

1)I would love life most if I could just volunteer and never work for money.
2)I really do like some hardcore music.... sometimes I listen to the one or two songs I have on repeat.
3)I like the look of books on my shelf probably more than I enjoy reading them.
4)Orange is my favorite color, but I dont have very many orange things.
5)I always have to have some sort of instrument in my room, cause like the books, I like to look at it, maybe someday i will learn to play.
6)I absolutly love being in the kitchen
7)I adore Kids! and coloring books!
8)My deepest thoughts come after 1 am
9)I like the smell of insense burning
10)I enjoy getting rid of things
11)I dont like money
12)I hope to someday live out of the country
13)I am happiest when barefoot
14)I do not enjoy putting clothes away
15)Rain is pretty much the best thing ever
16) I like to just drive
17)I like going to places where all I can see is nature, where all I can see are things that could have been here 2000 years ago, not powerlines or electricity or noise. Just God.
18)I like the smell of old peoples homes
19)I like shaking homeless peoples hands
20)I collect thimbols
21)Someday I will publish a book
22)I really do like to sing and dance
23)Once my mind is made up, I am unstopable
24)I would rather wear cordoroys than jeans
25)I prefer following to leading

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Portland, Oregon, United States