Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I don't really need my snack

We drove grim faced towards the Library, away from the Movie Theatre that was not showing the free kids movie. Each was sulking somewhat silently in their seat about having to once again go to that big building full of nothing but… books. Nearing a red light I rolled up my window as I most often do when I anticipate stopping next to a Beggar. His sign read: Anything helps, God bless.

“What’s that say?” asked curious “Middle Joy*.” I read it to her.

“Well, why does it say that?” she bequeathed?

“When people don’t have a house to live in, or they don’t have a job, or they they are hungry, they ask for help. That man is probably hungry and so he is standing in a public place asking for money or food.” I replied all while trying to ignore the stare of the cardboard sign 7 feet from my car door.

“Well,” she responded as we turned the corner. “I think we should give him something, do you have lots of money Big Heather? He is probably really hungry… can I give him my snack? I am not really hungry for my snack, I just want my jerky… then can I give him the rest of it?”

“Yes Middle Joy, if you want to give that man your snack, you may do that, lets see what other snacks we have too, ok?” I pulled back around 5 blocks of one-way downtown streets and found myself back where we started. I parked the car next to the curb and took Middle Joy by the hand right up to the gawking, sign holding man.

We exchanged names and shook hands (this is customary for me and all Homeless people I  transverse with. I find it is much more personal than shoving a bag out a window, it shows I am not afraid of them and am interested in who they are when I am able to repeat their name back to them.") I explained to Roger that Middle Joy was wanting to give up her snack for him that day, and he looked humbly honored.

We walked back to the car and Middle Joy took my hand “It sure is better to give than to receive, isn’t it Big Heather? I hope that man doesn’t feel hungry anymore.”

Roger waved and shouted a last “Thank You!” (We heard his words because this time my window was down.) As we neared the Library, Middle joy was the only one of the 4 in the car not chowing  down on her snack. I had to wonder, how much was Roger enjoying his half a baggie full of stale cheese its, broken saltines, princess fruit snacks, cold popcorn and crumpled dollar bill. I would like to believe that he became full… and that the gift given from an un-selfish heart was received with thanks.

*For the sake of Security I have named the family I Nanny for the Joy’s. Middle Joy is representing the middle aged girl.


Harmony Moore said...

Alright, Middle Joy and the Joy family-- these are some rockin' aliases. I wish I had thought of them! Jealous!

Heather W. said...

Ha, I know right? I thought of it as I blogged in my head in the car a few weeks ago... made me wish I had been blogging all summer!


Portland, Oregon, United States