Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pure Hearts

"Who may climb the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the LORDS blessing and have right standing with God their savior. They alone may enter God's presence and worship the God if Jacob." (Psalm 24:3-6)

"Blessed are the pure of heart, for the will see God." (Matthew 5:8)

Every day cries fly toward heaven asking, begging to see God. We want Gods blessing, we want to stand right with him and be covered in his presence and own his intimacy, but we cant. He wants to be first in our life, to be the only love.

We will see him when we purify our hearts, when we wipe out everything not of him. We will hear his voice when we push away all other thoughts, when we are purified. We can not serve to masters, therefore since he is pure,we must be pure.

The enemy attacks us in the areas that could be most powerful, he wants to take us down in our strengths. Purity is so important to God, to our relationship with him, that is why the enemy is attacking it in our generation so strongly. He wants so bad to take it down, to stop us from intimacy and purity. He knows the danger of us having pure hearts. SO LETS HAVE THEM!!!

I want to see God, I want to assend the Hill of the LORD and enter his presence. If this can only be done by me purifying myself, then I will keep purifying till I find that which I seek.


836525 said...

I too, want to go up there. Every day, I say, "God make me more like you, make me pure" and then, boy, does HE!!!

836525 said...

I love you Heather. Thanks for helping us so much.

Harmony Moore said...

Hallie's first comment makes me crack up. I'm so thankful that he DOES purify us, even when the baptism is fire.. and that we are not left to be pure of our own devices.

Ed Ziebart said...

Write some more, dear Heather. It has been since August 2! He does purify us...brings us through it all. In the potter's hand....
He is so faithful. Loving you, mama


Portland, Oregon, United States