Sunday, November 4, 2007

Creative Worship

So every week here we do this thing called creative worship, every week we participate in ways we can worship God other than music, it has been a blast!

One week we had a feast, we all brought food and shared it. We sang the song about his banqueting table. It was a time of fellowship. We talked about, what we had to bring to the table of the Lord. How even though some people forgot to bring some things, there was still plenty to go around, with God there is always enough to satisfy.

One week (my favorite) we put paper on our back and spend a half hour walking around writing encouraging words on each others back. Then we sat down and read it all. How wonderful to have a paper with notes from 20 different people. We worshiped God by showing his glory to other people. This one was very encouraging.

This week we are doing show and tell of some object that has meaning to us and our relationship to God, something that will edify the body. We have spent weeks doing poetry, drawing pictures, painting together. We are learning how worship is a lifestyle, not just a Sunday morning ritual.

I love learning all this because I believe this is the way life should be. We worship God with what we do. We don’t necessarily have to set time aside to paint each week, but if the opportunity comes, lets use that time to worship God. This is something that I want to take home. Something that I want to have follow me for the rest of my life. Something that I want my children to learn and appreciate.

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Portland, Oregon, United States