Thursday, April 24, 2008

CHINA - through the eyes of one in which we cant see through

I was babysitting a girl named Tori Mae, she was adopted from China at 9 months and now almost 4 years is obsessed with her native land. This is the story she told to me:

"Don't tell my mom that when I am 4 I am going to China. It will take me 19 moths, 30 minutes, and 15 minutes to walk there.Then I will come right home. I will stay there 18 hours. I will cook dinner for who is hungry. I dont know how to cook, but I will when I am 4.

"I love [China] just so much. I changed my mind, I am going to live in China when I am 4. One month after I turn 4 I am going to adopt a baby. It will be from China. It will be a girl. Her name will be Alexis because I love that name. It will be a girl with no hair... actually it will be a girl with some hair.

"Babies come from China. If you want a baby, you have to go to China to get one. I am from China. My Dad brought me on an airplane and I went on the airplane and that is how I got home I was there a long time and i didnt want to stay there a long time.

"Do people in China need Jesus?" I asked?

"Yes. So, when they want Him, I will take him out of my life and put him in their lives, then when they all have Him, I will put him back into my life.

"Do you want to give people the Jesus in your life?"

"Yes. Then I am done."


Harmony Moore said...

This is AWESOME. I love it. I think it is my favorite post. =) Are you staying an extra week, or what? I really think you should.

Sharell said...

Our baby girl is growing up!

Ed Ziebart said...

You gotta send this to Rex and Linette! from mom. I love it. And you.

Harmony Moore said...

Will you please write another post!

Anonymous said...

Yutarets! kasagad bah!


Portland, Oregon, United States