Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Check the size of the cup

I always seem to be busy, even when I am not doing anything, I am busy with it. Right now I am busy because I am blogging, many would see this as a form of relaxation (which it is to me) or as a sign of laziness protraying another aspect of my lazy generation, I just look at it as another way of staying busy. i think this has something to do with perspective, something along the lines of "is the cup half full or half empty" type of a deal... well maybe we just need to look at a different sized cup. Its about your perspective towards life and time. I like to look at not just how full or empty the cup is.. but what its contents reveal. What is it full of? what is it lacking? I want to know what makes up the matter inside the cup.

I think so many people see empty cups, well maybe they need to focus their attention a little more, narrow down their vision and see a smaller, much fuller cup. or maybe your cup is full, but you dont know what to do from there - investigate the contents. Figure out what it is that makes it full, what keeps it from overflowing, or from drying out completely.

1 comment:

Abbey said...

when I read the title of this one, I thought of bras. Just thought I'd let you know. love you.


Portland, Oregon, United States