Friday, January 22, 2010

Lice Man

If you read my last blog you might have seen a link to a craigslist post of a man looking for lice. Well, it intrigued me so much that I emailed him inquiring if he was a scientist or if he just wanted lice in his own hair. The following is the email I received in reply...

aye , yes I do. I am not a scientist. I want lice in my hair because my hair is falling out and I have mild headaches and I am geting dreadlocks and because I have nightmares. Many years ago I had lice (when I was 9 or 10 years old) and it felt really good to have them and I stopped having nightmares for like a couple of weeks. Lice aren't dangerous and they don't spread disease what's scary is that the products for getting rid of headlice can cause convultions. I have observed that dogs which dont have fleas 'dream' while those who do have fleas dont dream. lice are to humans as fleas are to dogs. I hope this answers some of your questions , I could go on and on. thanks for writing.


Ed Ziebart said...

Poor guy. Needs JESUS, not lice.

Harmony Moore said...

This is NUTS. I want to take all his nightmares away! Have you written him back?

Harmony Moore said...

ohhh. Your new settings don't allow me to sign in with any other URL besides google. BOO! =) =)

Heather W. said...

No I did not write him back. Sounded creepy. I will change my settings for you Harm. I was just trying to block those weird annonymous comments I get.


Portland, Oregon, United States