Thursday, January 21, 2010

Craigslist Cries

I sometimes enjoy scrolling through the general community section on Craigslist. This is just where people write about random free community things. A 22 year old christian man looking for friends and encouragement. Someone lost their head lice and wants more ... live ... will come come pick it out of your head. (you think I am joking? I am not) Then there was the group recruiting for a cult. I looked up the definition of a cult, "a particular system of worship" and "a religion considered to be false." Why would you want to advertise for something that is false by definition? Well, at least in the informational part of this one they said they see themselves as a fairly good cult.

I like reading these posts because they give me a glimpse of what is going on in my community. Of what people are interested in. What they are desperate for. What their worldview is. Ways I can better reach out. What a cool ministry to just reach out to all those crying out on Craigslist.

1 comment:

Ed Ziebart said...

Like the crookman, slime that he (or she) is, that lied to you and probably THOUSANDS of others and tried to steal their $ while appealing to their hearts and desire for a job!


Portland, Oregon, United States