Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Today was a good day. I woke up to it raining! I was in a great mood and well rested. I like Wednesdays, get coffee and have 2 classes back to back in the Library with the cozy seats. It is my only class with Courtney. I am done before noon. My dad showed up randomly and we had lunch at Burgerville, he came bearing gifts of humus and pumpkin bars. (Yes Katy, Pumpkin.:)

Then my favorite, afternoons with Grammy. She was super chipper today. I cleaned out her pantry and found a bottle Mapeline, stuff you use to make your own mapel syrup ... it was from 1979. Harm, can you believe that bottle has been sitting on that shelf since before you were born?! Volleyball was short today, then I cam back and took a BATH in the ARD apartment. Now I am sitting on facebook talking to two of my favorite people.

1 comment:

nick mucci said...

pumpki..excuse me, just vomited in my mouth...brb...hope you had a good weeken...gulp, there it was again...


Portland, Oregon, United States