Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trinity and Us

At college group we are going through the video series the Truth Project. It is really amazingly enlightening. I was quite cold to the idea of watching a video series when I first heard of it... but it stretches my mind, I guess that is what it is suppose to do. Anyways...

Tonight there was a really interesting point made, I want to research it more but it intrigued me none the less. There is the trinity GOD-JESUS-HOLYSPIRIT (HS) . Then when Christ assended to Heaven he sent us the HS to be with us always. ( John 16:5-7 )The HS is in us. So... Because the HS is in us, and he is part of the 3 part trinity, we are with God too. The New Testament is so full of references to being ONE. One with God, one with another... So the HS is what brings us into that closer relationship. Jesus intercedes for us to God, the HS leads us in pray to God. We are in God cause we are in the HS. So we are that close, that intimate. Like one of my favorite worship songs goes, "sometimes you are closer than my skin." It is literally true.

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Portland, Oregon, United States