Friday, March 13, 2009

Thank you at least

At Outback I noticed that I heard the word "thank you a lot" so last week one evening I decided to try and keep track throughout the evening. At the end of the night, I took my sticky note from my pocket and added up all the random numbers. I heard the phrase "thank you" 208 times within my 4 hour shift. Thats one almost every minute. Now, mind you that those were only the ones that I acounted for.

It just made me happy. It gets anoying yes, and repetitive, becuase with each 208 "thank yous" there were 208 "your welcomes". I answer every one. But, at least it was a decent phrase being exchanged. At least there is a level of politeness left in people. At least it was not F--- and #$@ and "BEEP". At least that. So, it may be a little over used, but at least it is used. At least that.


FLOWERS said...

You are lucky. A lot of the people that come into the station don't say anything. I don't think thank you can ever get old.

Anonymous said...

Well Nathan I want you to know that I always say "thank you" to my gas attendant. Rude people must fill up at 76.


Portland, Oregon, United States