Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's a twisted world in which we live

During this weeks outreach we were in a pretty hard, dark area. Well not in the literal sense, in the spiritual. We were underground at one of the largest metro stations and had a great set up with our stereo again. The set up is good and we all know the schedule. If you are not up front, you are in the crowd, making a crowd. You are praying, and passing out tracts and looking for opportunities to talk with people. It was a very distracting area this week though, there was just lots of movement and psyco people. There was a group of pimps fighting with a homeless man and the yelling with that went on and off for about and hour. There were prostitutes everywhere, our director got hit up three times. The pimps were out too, lots of them. They stood around, the whole time and approached 3 of our girls. We just learned to stand closer together. During the dance this mental woman joined in and tried to do ballet with our girls and some other lady interrupted one of the testimonies by coming up front and trying to talk to the translator.

So from that description it sounds like a terrible day. But it was really amazing. From it all 4 more people accepted Christ! I was able to give my testimony and had a blast, now I am ready for next week when I hope to preach. Most of the people in our group didn’t know that their was anything in the prostitution them even going on, most of it was just subtle, its not like people have signs that say “prostitute” on them, so if you aren’t looking you wont usually see them. I saw some of it going on but was really blown away by the stories we received later. I guess that Budapest is a center point in the prostitution world of eastern Europe. Supposedly it is legal here, so many different countries merge here in the underground hidden dark world. So we have just been really warned, we were not informed on this until now, the guys ears just perked when they heard, it was like something inside them just turned on that they were protectors, I know that they will really step up to watch over us, being that the majority of us are girls, it does make us feel good to know that our guys we be on top of it. So pretty much girls don’t go out alone after dark, well I mean I guess that is obvious at home to, but here you just have to be really safe because the pimps will get like 10,000 per girl for kidnapping. What a crazy, sick, twisted world we live in.

Yet I feel it a privilege to be here. God is moving in a dark place, despite the what seemed like terrible events that took place, 4 people still came to Christ. People here are hungry, they want the truth, that is why there is so much darkness, the more people look for truth, the darker they fall. That is where we come in, we are walking light to brighten their dark worlds. This may sound all scary but it is just life. We all walk around in either darkness or light whether you are in Budapest or Keizer there are still spiritual battles going on, still crazy people looming around. But I am safe. This is something that really happens everywhere, here we are just more aware of it because we are in prayer about it, so to us it is more than just something happening.

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