Friday, April 23, 2010

Ode to Sharell

Today Sharell moved to Idaho. Now, I know she will be back in like three weeks to go on vacation with her family. And that I will see her this summer, and that we will talk probably more than we do now… but for some reason, it is really hard that she moved. I mean, we were always going to live together, we would be perfect roommates you know.

I said goodbye to her today at the Starbucks by mall 205. I wrote on her car: “I love you” and “Idaho or BUST".” I think she liked it.

She is going to pursue all she has strived after. To be an adult, to be on her own, to take over the world. And she will. She has her nice new car, and some money in savings. And a boyfriend who she says is a man … so I trust her. Clayton, you are with a very worthy woman.

If you don’t know my little sister, you wont understand when I tell you about her role in my life. How our friendship is physical and face to face and intense and legit. You wouldn’t know how brave she is, and the strong woman she is for pushing through all the crap life has brought at her. And she still has joy and purpose and drive.

I know I left first, and that really I haven't been around, but its going to be weird you not being here Sharell. I think I might just fast Muchos Grascious all together. A little chuck of me melted today to see you “all grown up.” Though I know in my heart that the majority of our lives will probably be spent apart. Know that I love you, in such a way that I love no one else.

Love, your big sister.


Sharell said...

What do I say to that?

I am so thankful for the security in our relationship. I know that even when your living in Thailand with your 13 children, and I'm in Seattle with my rockstar life we will still talk about the things of God, and laugh and cry at all the memories of high school. We will still grieve over the ones who entered our lives and fell away from Christ and we will still rejoice with the ones who figured it out.

Thank you for sticking through with me and all my crap. For always encouraging me, and telling me to take over the world. I honestly wouldn't be doing the things I'm doing without you.

I love you, big sister, and I can honestly say I will forever.

Anonymous said...

Sniffle. Sob.


Portland, Oregon, United States