Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh to be Rescued

I went hiking with Heather last week. On the way out of the .5 mi hike, I realized that the key I had so delicately placed in my small camel pack pocket was indeed the wrong key. I got a bit excited about how AAA would come to rescue me! Heather was a little nervous. When I called my parents and left a message about how I needed the account information because my wallet was also inside the car, my mom left another message on my phone that said the following ... "Heard that you called AAA, sounds like a good story, call us and fill us in!"

Heather thought it was hilarious that my parents were not worried, they just wanted a good story.

Today I went to Bi-Partisan Cafe to get Internet since the schools has been down for two days. Right as I was preparing to leave, I realized I locked my keys in the Car. Cortni came to rescue me! She dropped the keys and zipped off to her 11am. I jumped in the car to make it to my 11am ... and found the battery dead. I had left the keys in the ignition. AAA came again. I missed my class, but I was rescued.

This rescuer was a nice guy, though he had stash and three missing front teeth. I told him how I appreciated being rescued. I just laughed again today, how do I do it? I don't know ... but I do know that I love being rescued. Thank you Daddy for AAA and one of the best and most used investments in my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have heard Mama and Daddy laughing to each other about it in the car down here, "oh, guess what Heather just did, hahahahahaha" Daddy said it was definitely one of the best uses of money on you, this AAA business.

Later we were telling stories of all the times my car broke down on long over-night roadtrips. "Yeah, so we were stuck in the middle of a one lane highway, in the dark, in the rain, right on the curve of a mountain with a cliff down to the ocean on our left when..."

And Mama exclaimed, "And we never bought you AAA?! You didn't even have cell phones back then?!?!?" =) You lucked out, Heather!


Portland, Oregon, United States