Monday, December 7, 2009


P.S. Yesterday, I was at Jo Anns feasting with my eyes and getting a few things for Christmas projects. As I stood in line I thought about how nice it would be to eat a Reeces Christmas Tree. You know how they make them shapped all cool? Yeah, well they taste beter in the shape of a tree and I wanted one. But what did I find? A reeces heart. Yes People, a heart. I was a little confused until I noticed the SpongeBob Valentines next to it. I understood fully. And I did not buy a Reeces.

Its not even Christmas! Gah. Consumerism is retarded.

1 comment:

mama said...

Oh! That irks me so...and I would NOT of bought one either! I will find you a little Reece's tree, my dear. Can't the stores just let us enjoy Christmas? Hallie said she went to buy some Christmasy accesories for the girls, and Woodburn mall had none...only Valentine ones...and that was a week ago! Love you!!


Portland, Oregon, United States