Saturday, September 4, 2010

Three nice things

1. We had a going away party for Lauren at Macaroni Grill. The warm rosemary bread kept making it to my mouth. We surprised Lauren, by being there, but hid behind our menu’s when she came in. We drew on the paper table cloth. The men wore ties. I miss Lauren already.

2. We spent like and hour in Boarders. I found an atlas of the world and got lost. Sarah Jones came and admired it with me. We mapped out our different trips for each other. And talked of our adventures. And flipped pages through country after country that we have yet to visit. Of places we have been and long to return. The group I guess was waiting for us to finish talking, but when they heard our topic, they realized their would be no finish. We all left, and Sarah and I found ourselves salivating over this world map sheet paper in the paper store.I like Sarah and not having to finish.

3. I get back to school and drink a grapefruit IZZE. I find out my lifelong friend Kirsten is engaged! It makes me think of all my memories with her. Our like 17 year friendship. I wonder upon the paper in my notebook, created a good 6 years ago with her yellow and purple wedding plans in it. I smile, because I see her picture with Gavin from today. I really like him. And I trust him. He was able to put that smile on her face. I think I like this growing up thing.

1 comment:

mama said...

Yes. Nice is so very nice. Keep writing about all that is happening!


Portland, Oregon, United States