Friday, June 12, 2009

Face Paints and Friendship

I spent 6 1/2 hours at my moms school today. I volunteered to be a face painter for the last day of schools Field Day. I think I painted a few hundred faces. I had a piece of paper showing what I could do... but that didnt seem to stop kids from asking me to do stuff like "dragons" and "teletubies" and "skulls" and "horses" and "mexican flag". and and and...

I loved being around elementary age kids again, they cracked me up! One girl inparticular, one of the few I actually knew, really got me smiling. She got a really cool cat face with wiskers and the whole deal and told the girl behind her that was what she needed to get, the girl argued because she had something else in mind. "I'll be your best friend if you get it!" There was silence and she walked away hoping with all hopes that the girl would take up her offer, after all she was auctioning herself off as a best friend for the price of a simple face picture. The girl got to me, I wondered what she would do, would she succomb to the pressure. Just as was about to encourage her out of it... she said "Can I have a little butterfly and a flower?" She looked up with almost fearful eyes, I smiled and said "You absoltly can, what a great choice!" I am glad that she didnt walk away with a "new BFF" today.


Harmony Moore said...

I think I totally would have caved in and did what the other girl wanted me to do.

Harmony Moore said...

Is that Buddha's ear behind you? haha

mama said...

Heather is the master face painter. My students all wanted her to do magic on their faces!


Portland, Oregon, United States