Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Fish

I got paid on Wednesday. The check went into my pocket. I got to Sharells house and the check came out of my pocket. I left Sharells house and the check went back into the pocket.

Thursday Afternoon I was on my way to the bank and was getting my money out while at a red light.... I didnt see my check in my wallet or purse. "Where is it I thought?" So I went home. It was not there. I called Sharell, It was not at her house. I went back to my car .... nope. Back to the house. Nope. I got a little aggrivated because I kinda, you know, needed the check. I was anoyed but knew that one of two things would happen: I would not find the check, and have to deal with it, or God will bring it to me.

Friday morning I woke up and immediatly thought of my check.

"God, it would be really cool if you could bring my check to me today."

"Look under your bed."


"Look Under your bed."

"Ya, but God, I how would it be under the bed? I didn't even -----"

"How did the coin get in the mouth of the fish? Look under the bed."

So I discontinued my arguing, pushed my warm blankets off and got down on the ground. I reached under my bed (and mind you I don't put things under my bed, I have my suitcases and shoes... but not stuff.... and I hadn't put any bags away in the past 2 days) and moved a bag, under it was the crumpled up check. I just started laughing. How did the coin get into the mouth of the fish? ( Matthew 17:27) Well Just the same way my check got put under my bed... God put it there.

Lets just say it was a really good way to start the day.


Harmony Moore said...

This is awesome! I can't help but remember myself in that same room, and all the ways God spoke to me as I rolled out of bed to the floor. It's so good to know him, and be known by him, isn't it?

Harmony Moore said...

okay, I've commented twice now on your blog-- uh, three times now-- so you seriously owe me some blogging love. As in, comments on my own neglected space! hahahahahhaa

mama said...

I love that story! I so totally know God does those things. I didn't know you lost your check. But then again...we go a couple days at a time not seeing each other! Did I ever tell you that the Lord regularly put pantyhose in my drawer on Sunday mornings during many years in Springfield while I was a young mom, with little $ for things like pantyhose? He did. Over and over again. He is amazing. And he loves to show us, doesn't he?


Portland, Oregon, United States