So I am in China now. The first day I arrived in Thailand, I said to myself, "I could live here!". But I have decided I would not really like to live in Thailand. It is really hot, and the big city of Bangkok just becomes a little annoying. Phuket, by the beach, it was nice... but I like to simply visit beaches, they are less cool if you live by them. The first day I was here in China, I thought to myself "I don't think I could live here." But now... I think I very well could.
Its not amazingly gorgeous here, in fact, it is kinda dirty. Dusty. Hazy. The streets are uneven, the cars are pushy, the people are pokey, the food is spicy... but I like it. Matthew says China is magical, unlike any place in the world. I suppose he is right. The more places I see, the more they are alike, and China is alike many other things.... but it is magical.
The people here are strictly Chinese. They don't try to be western. The food looks like other asian dishes, but it is its own. There is a culture here found no where else, like nothing else.